Project Management for Business Administration - blended (IX7512)
Download IX7512 descriptor
IX7512 course approach
- This course is a combination of:
- Face-to-face presentation, labs, case studies and discussions,
- E-learning,
- Team works (by groups of four students).
- This course is an opportunity for students to review cases, but also to create their own cases.
IX7512 learning outcomes
- IX7512-LO1: Review and analyse tools to review project definition, plan and performance.
- IX7512-LO2: Evaluate communication approach for project tactical steering and direction.
IX7512 module content
- IX7512-C1.1: Introduction to project management
- Participation in presentations and discussions.
- Exchange of experience.
- IX7512-C1.2: Review of project plan construction
- Two to three students per team for the case study.
- Participation in presentations and case study.
- Participation in review of results.
- IX7512-C1.3: Construction of team projects
- Identification of teams and team building.
- Negotiation of project and cooperative construction of project logic
- IX7512-C2: Online Crossknowledge modules
- Define the project and assign key roles
- Project milestones
- Breaking down a project
- Organising projects and negotiating for resources
- Launching a successful project
- Project Control
- Closing your project
- Managing project risk
- Dealing with the human factor
- Post-project management
- IX7512-C3.1: Consolidation of team projects
- Review and final consolidation of team projects:
- definition,
- logic, organisation and structure,
- time analysis and S-curve.
- IX7512-C3.2: Efficiency of project management
- Participation in presentations and labs Project Management Our Around Time.
- IX7512-C3.3: Final discussion of team work
- Discussion of case analyzed in team.
Download IX7512 descriptor